Rotary Year 2021 - 22

Jeffrey Hayden

President's Message:

This past year was as fulfilling as it was challenging.  We had suspended in-person meetings well over a year prior due to the pandemic.

The clear focus had to be the big picture, how to sustain in a challenging time and move towards normalcy.

 Almost immediately we began monthly socials, outdoors.  At the visit of the district governor, we were blessed as Bill Nicolet lent us the grounds of his beautiful home for an outdoor meeting; and Sarah LaTorre and I each brought a new member to be initiated.

While many activities were scaled back for some or all of the year, I was privileged to see as the club drew together, allowing some meetings to resume in person, keeping others remote meetings, all without a drop in membership or enthusiasm — even as one of our neighboring clubs shut down and two others merged. 

 Several events were held, locally under the auspices of our community service committee, and yet more activities restarted as the year progressed.

In trying times, one can’t help but appreciate the drive and enthusiasm of those throughout the club.

 Thanks for a great year!


Board of Directors

 Vice President- David Nazzaro
Secretary - La Shonda Kennedy
Treasurer - David Rutt
Board of Directors:
  • Barry Taleghani
  • Steve Wagstaffe
  • Victoria Costantini
  • Gareth Harris
  • Jennifer Svihus


Club Leaders
Upcoming Events
The Spoke