Rotary Year 2022 - 23
David Nazarro
President's Message:
2022-2023 was a good year. The Redwood City Rotary Club made great progress. We began the year without a permanent home. Now we meet at the spacious Redwood City Salvation Army. These meetings include presentations on a wide and diverse number of topics. Our monthly social events were well attended and enjoyed by all.
The club membership grew. It also, on average, got younger. These new members actively participated in community service events, bolstering the efforts of our long-serving members.
Thus, our tomorrows will be better than our yesterdays.
Board of Directors
Vice President- La Shonda Kennedy
Secretary -Jennifer Svihus
Treasurer - David Rutt
Board of Directors:
- Barry Taleghani
- Steve Wagstaffe
- Victoria Costantini
- Gareth Harris
- Jenny Bratton
RI President & Theme
BOD Meeting Minutes
Club Financials