Rotary Club of Redwood City Photo Gallery

A Homepage Gallery
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Rotarians In Action

RY 2016 Various Photos
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RY 2015 Scholarships
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Scholarship Award Luncheon May 17, 2016

Stop Hunger Now
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RY 2015 Various Photos
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New member inductions, PHF recognitions, visiting Rotarians and other select pics from the 2015-2016 Rotary year

RY 2015 70th Anniversary
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A 70th Anniversary part at BKF Engineers in Redwood City

RY 2015 Rotary Peace Concert
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Pictures from San Francisco and the Rotary Peace Concert

RY 2015 Rotary International Convention In Brazil
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Our President-elect John McAfee visits Brazil with his son.

RY 2015 RWC SMC Toy Drive
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Rotarians help sort out toys with the San Mateo County and the Redwood City Police and Fire departments during the 2015-2016 Rotary Year

RY 2014 Various Photos
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A variety of photos from an array of events held during the 2014-2015 Rotary year

RY 2014 Bench Dedication For Bob Dooley And Pete Hughes
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Various pictures from the dedication of the Rotary bench at Fair Oaks Friendship Park during the Rotary Year 2014-2015

RY 2013 District Assembly And Conference
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What is a year in Rotary without District stuff, such as, training, the Assembly where the new soon to be presidents are crowned, the Conference with the AWARDS!!! We cleaned up in 2013-2014

RY 2013 International Projects
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Sometimes a fundraiser becomes more about the action and less about the money. That was certainly true with OktoberFest and Run. No money, lots of fun. Our Picnic yielded more dollars.

RY 2013 Dictionary Project
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The Dictionary project takes a lot of work. This year we decided to up the involvement factor by labeling the dictionaries during the normal meeting hour. Needed to have lunch brought in for that too!

RY 2013 Friendship Park Build With KaBOOM And Shutterfly
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Redwood City Rotary Club in conjunction with Shutterfly Foundation, KaBOOM and other local organizations rebuild a piece of PG&E Hetch Hetchy land to be local Fair Oaks park.

RY 2013 Car Raffle Drawing And Payouts
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Another record breaking year for the All American Car Raffle. Over 10 years and going strong. Always a fun time downtown! Rotarians are selling tickets, working the booth, and having the big drawing.

RY 2013 Various Photos
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Various photos of inductions, Paul Harris Fellows, speakers and other things happening in Rotary Year 2013-2014

RY 2012 Various Photos
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Various photos from the Rotary Year 2012-2013

RY 2011 Various Photos
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Various photos from the Rotary Year 2011-2012

RY 2011 Car Raffle Payout
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Car raffle payouts from the July 4th All American Car Raffle.

RY 2010 Various Photos
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Various photos from Rotary Year 2010-2011.

RY 2010 Holiday Party
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The Rotary Year 2010-2011 Holiday Party at the winery

RY 2010 Dictionary Distribution
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It is always a joy to distribute dictionaries to the third graders in the Redwood City schools. Rotary Year 2010-2011

RY 2010 Casa De Redwood Spaghetti Dinner
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Another fun time at Casa de Redwood with Rotarians and the residents.

RY 2009 Salvation Army Bell Ringing
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Rotary Year 2009-2010 and the stalwart Rotarians ring the bell for the Salvation Army

RY 2009 Kainos Painting
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A few Rotarians volunteer to paint over at the Kainos houses. Rotary Year 2009-2010

RY 2009 Holiday Party
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A few pics from the 2009-2010 Holiday Party

RY 2009 Fair Oaks Halloween
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An annual favorite when the Rotarians of Redwood City join with the Fair Oaks Community Center to throw a Halloween Party for the seniors and staff. Rotary Year 2009-2010

RY 2009 Dictionary Distribution
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The Rotary Club of Redwood City distributes dictionaries to the third graders in many Redwood City schools. These are photos from Rotary Year 2009-2010

RY 2009 Casa De Redwood Spaghetti Dinner
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The RWC Club throws a spaghetti dinner for the residents of Casa de Redwood in Rotary Year 2009-2010

RY 2008 Visit To Rotary Park In New Zealand
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For a great mean years the Rotary Club of Redwood City distributed seeds for Redwood trees all over the world. Rotarian Judy Cooper-Higday and her husband Bob visited the park in February 2009

RY 2009 July 4th Ticket Sales And Drawing
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Rotary Year 2009-2010 and the annual All American Car Raffle.

RY 2008 Scholarship Recipients
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The Rotary year 2008-2009 scholarship recipients

RY 2008 Fair Oaks Halloween Senior Party
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Every year we help to throw a Halloween party for seniors that visit the Fair Oaks Community Center. These pics are from Rotary Year 2008-2009

RY 2008 Bench Dedication
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Rotary year 2008-2009 dedication of bench for Rotarians that had passed away. The benches are in Red Morton Park with the redwood trees

RY 2007 Inductions And Recognition
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Just a few of the inductions and recognition for Paul Harris Fellows in Rotary Year 2007-2008

RY 2007 Holiday Photo
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The only photo from the Holiday Party that came back around for posting in Rotary Year 2007-2008

RY 2007 Debunking And Installation Event
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Rotary Year 2007-2008 Debunking and Installation Event

RY 2006 Various Photos
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Various photos and awards from Rotary Year 2006-2007

RY 2004 Various Photos
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Various photos from the 2004 2005 Rotary Year

RY 2004 Rotary Rummage For Family Connections
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We have turned the Rotary Rummage Sale into the Family Connections Sale!

RY 2002 Debunking And Installation
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The Debunking of Bill Nicolet and the Installation of Linda Schmidt in June 2002

RY 2001 Ducks Amuck
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Year 2 of Ducks Amuck

RY 2000 American Legion Honoring Sam Dafnis
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Photos from Rotary year 2000-2001. Sam Dafnis being honored at the American Legion

RY 2000 Ducks Amuck
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Year number 1 of Ducks Amuck. The insane rubber duck race.

RY 1997 Rotary Rummage Sale
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Photos from the 1st annual Rotary Rummage Sale at the lumber yard

RY 1997 Rotary Relay At Canada College
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Photos from the Relay at Canada College during the 1997-1998 Rotary Year

RY 1997 Rotary PAL Street Hockey
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Pictures from the Rotary / PAL street hockey event in 1997-1998 Rotary Year

RY 1997 Community Service Award
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The Community Service Award from the District Conference from the 1997-1998 Rotary Year

RY 1997 Habitat For Humanity House
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The club takes on a Habitat for Humanity House in June 1998

RY 1995 Various Photos
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Billy Goat Golf in October 1995 and Rotary Year 1995-1996 award

RY 1991 Day Of The Reader
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Rotary Day of the Reader at Hawes School 1991

RY 1990 Vocational Award
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Awards won at the District Conference for the 1990-1991 Rotary Year.

RY 1989 Various Awards Received
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Awards received at the District Conference in 1989-1990

RY 1988 Youth Award
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RY 1987 Various Photos
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Various photos from the 1987-1988 Rotary Year. Includes the Rotary picnic held in September 1987

RY 1981 Various Photos
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Various photos taken during the 1981-1982 Rotary Year

RY 1979 Various Photos
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Pictures of various members during the 1979-1980 Rotary Years. Alan Bostwick, J. Greenwell, P. Jones, D. Schutz, R. Brown, J. Souza and PDG George Chaffey

RY 1977 Various Photos
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RY 1976 Ed Carlisle Day
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Rotary hold Ed Carlisle Day on Jan 11, 1997